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[#484643] Written by: cooda [10/06/2016, 03:05]
I don't use the Incognito VPN. I use a different one. Can someone tell me how do I get the RED
warning sign off my screen. When I click on the click here it does come up with the wrong IP address
LMAO. My VPN does not slow down any downloads. If you would like know what I use let me know and I
will give you the link.
[#484648] Written by: NigerianPrince [10/06/2016, 20:55]
I love it that eztv shows my vpn ip-address and surely doesn't know the other soft- and hardware I
use between me and the net. Anyway, time to take this site as a bullshit one once again (you guys
have a weird reputation). Over and out; there are way better ways for this info. Ciao!
[#484650] Written by: sp8472 [11/06/2016, 09:29]
please show me a link
[#484651] Written by: dasl66 [11/06/2016, 11:07]
All references to "Incongnito VPN" are correct. These guys are expensive and require you to
register before you can see their pricing. Also the banner is too much like "Scare Tactics". Out of
curiosity I entered their "Chat" line. Not impressed. I find the advert offensive.
[#484652] Written by: Severen666 [11/06/2016, 16:06]
Yeah, gotta say I find the scare tactics use pretty disgusting, to be brutally honest. And pimping
for Incognito, one of the worst vpn's on the market, who have a...shall we say, less than
stellar...reputation, I honestly thought EZTV was better than that.

It does bemuse me somewhat that the banner proclaims that it knows I'm not using a VPN, before
giving the details of my current VPN. Absolute clownshoes.
[#484653] Written by: doothedoodoo [11/06/2016, 22:08]
"We Know you are not using a VPN now."

False. I am, you think I am located in the Netherlands... sorry, I'm not.

Do what the banner says and use a VPN, just find an alternative!

[#484654] Written by: browny159 [12/06/2016, 03:27]
Anyone figured out how to block that awful thing yet? Adblocker doesn't seem to work.
[#484656] Written by: chr0naut [13/06/2016, 02:51]
The spammy advertisement for IncognitoVPN is unwanted and incorrect.

I use a VPN, I am not in the country listed and do not have the IP address listed.

I am happy with my present online security and wouldn't want to change to one of the worst and most
expensive VPN solutions.

It also messes up the theme of EZTV in most browsers.

Please remove IncognitoVPN's marketing company from your list of allowed affiliate marketers.

Thank you.
[#484657] Written by: marky11 [13/06/2016, 03:50]
Yeah, happy to see my VPN is actually working ok. I too am not where the spamming crap says I am.
[#484658] Written by: marky11 [13/06/2016, 04:04]
Just used Ad Block Plus, select 'Select Element to Hide' and the crap is gone.
[#484659] Written by: Tuckle [13/06/2016, 05:57]
I won't be using Eztv until that ad for a VPN is removed. I'll get my shows from other trusted
sites instead.

I have no reason to use a VPN. Even the IP address and location the "warning" gives me is entirely
false, and the NSA legally cannot watch what I'm doing as I'm not in the USA. My ISP doesn't give a
toss either, and in fact every single attempt to make ISPs responsible for illegal downloads has
been thrown out of the courts here. The ISPs here already know that disallowing illegal downloads
would mean 90% of customers would drop back to a 1gb cap and they'd lose millions in revenue.

Eztv should not cater to private advertising. It's part of the reason you have so many fans -
because we can download safely here without being bombarded by adverts.
[#484661] Written by: wraith73 [14/06/2016, 07:24]
Me too. I wasn't sure how well my current VPN was working until I saw that ad!!
[#484662] Written by: sal_of_stars [14/06/2016, 09:41]
i am tired of these side bars for social media and this HUGE VPN Warning box.
this was one of the best places to go to for Entertainment download without being bombarded with annoying pop
ups. now it joined the rest of the spammy standard.

this is annoying
[#484664] Written by: sp1ke77 [14/06/2016, 12:47]
use any local css extension for your browser

add the following to the rules:
#novpn {display:none !important;}

puff. no more pesky bar
[#484684] Written by: leosutthiprapha [23/06/2016, 15:04]
VPN for free, what do you recomend?
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