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[#483724] Written by: Sulyvien [29/04/2015, 12:33]
404 Not Found.

This is a temporary situation!

Our administrators have been alerted for this page.. if this is an error it will be resolved
[#483728] Written by: [29/04/2015, 19:57]
[#483729] Written by: jotun2011 [29/04/2015, 20:36]
whats with EZTV? I keep hearing that the original staff is gone, and I see database errors all the time, and so I am
wondering, whats with this, is the site dead or not? and is there any other site picking up the branch and carrying on?
[#483734] Written by: jotun2011 [30/04/2015, 11:10]
Is there an alternative tv shows webpage?
[#483753] Written by: nyx415 [02/05/2015, 02:20]
Hi, just curious but what happened to all the MVGroup posts? Seems like it's all gone or they
haven't posted anything lately. They post some really good shows, am big into the BBC, NatGeo,
CNN shows, etc.

Have been a loyal fan of this site for years. Love this site, a big thanks to you all!
[#483761] Written by: secondrule [03/05/2015, 11:34]
Hi .. sorry for putting this here.

1) I cannot create a new post even though I am logged in. There is no button allowing me to do so

2) When I am in my page and I try to click All at the top, I get a 404 error

3) Same error when I try to send you a private messaage
[#483765] Written by: spojax [05/05/2015, 11:04]
Hello, thanks you for all the effort, you are the best!
[#483766] Written by: xram [05/05/2015, 23:02]
When are we going to see some order on this site? So many torrents these days on one show , shows are late, out of order,
torrents end up being a folder with garbage, and so on? I know it is a thankless jobs but I really missed old EZTV!
With best regards
[#483769] Written by: PapaSmurf69 [06/05/2015, 11:42]
Is the chaotic and totally unnecessary placing files in folders with a bunch of useless junk files
and differing naming profiles going to be the norm or will we return to some semblance of sanity and
restore the way it used to be?
[#483772] Written by: warrior58d [06/05/2015, 21:03]
I also have found that the site has become crazy. It used to be a low res show and then a HD version or a 720 and 1440.
Now there are like 4,5,6 or more versions of the same show from different sources. now there are Web DL and all sorts of
craziness. Also putting everything in a folder on the download drives me crazy. EZTV used to be the go to site for all my TV
needs but now it's just as chaotic as any of the other sites. Might as just well use KAT and get my movies at the same time.
Please oh please lets bring back the nice clean well organized and thought out design we had before.
[#483781] Written by: chaznet [08/05/2015, 21:05]
I previously used this site as a 'discovery' resource. I get pretty much every US cable channel there is, and I can record up to
10 shows at a time. I used this site to look for a couple things:

** Shows that post closest to their air times
** How well seeded a show is, in general

I record shows that I might not otherwise have heard of based on the info. I did have a brief stint of downloading stuff, even
had a VPN service for protection ;-) It was the VPN service that issued me an email stating they'd received a 'notice' generated
by my download -- and that if I received more, it could be a problem. They also said the entity issuing the complaint, as well as
my ISP were not notified of my identity... unless things escalated.

I can't use this site for that anymore, it's not unusual now for 10+ hours to go by without an update. I feel like I lost my
remote control.

Anyone know of a site somewhat similar to what this one used to be?
[#483794] Written by: quiet_kisho [10/05/2015, 20:53]
Just wondering if the themes will be coming back.
[#483814] Written by: NovaKing (Administrator) [14/05/2015, 12:58]
- you can add new shows to your list
- the "watched all shows" function is fixed
- shows are updated daily in matter of minutes

@midrange: what page do you try to access and you get this error, that you must log in even if you
have already done it?

There is indeed temporary gaps on selected shows, but be patient - it will be solved in the next
days when you will have access to a greater selection of shows .

Also, no more extra files and folders, because we will start releasing again under [eztv] just as

Thank you for understanding!
[#483823] Written by: mauser [16/05/2015, 05:08]
I notice that BTChat isn't one of the mirrors any more. Are they coming back? Their torrents were
always clear of directories and stupid additional files.
[#483827] Written by: tanhorn [16/05/2015, 10:34]
I m eally happy, that you are back
Greets from Russia!
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