hehehe ... we know that fact. we just arguing (edit: arguing pointlessly)
between ourselves. lol.
move along ... nothing to see here.
Written by: thebishop74 [05/04/2007, 11:32]
i try not to download nuked files anymore, if there is even a hint on a nuke i
avoid it like the plague, i was finding like 9 times out of 10, if there was
complaints of glitches etc, the overall quality would be bad as well.
people don't have to agree with that, but it's the rule i run by now, and as a
result i wait a little longer for content, but the upside is i waste a lot less
bandwidth than i used to.
(and i also archive 'everything' i dl)
don't mind the australians arguing in the corner, i'm just taking the piss out
of ven because he suffered foot in mouth syndrome when he boasted powers of
jericho within 24 hours of the us was one of the smartest things an oz tv
station ever did, and the dumbest when it failed to do it again when the series
came back this year, rumour is it will be back 'late' this year, which is to
late for me, i'm up to date on it.
in fact i'm up to date on a lot of stuff, something like well over half of what
i watch comes off eztv now, for me it's quite possibly the best site on the
Written by: vibe666 [05/04/2007, 11:59]
i'm more than happy to put up with the odd glitch to stay up to date with
shows. much better that than waiting weeks/months to see a show with heaps of
shitty ad's in it.
waiting for a proper? sometimes if the first release (un-proper?) is nuked and
i spot it in time, but being gmt i normally set stuff off before i go to work
so it's ready for when i get home.
if i have time to log in remotely and have a look at the progress in that time
then that's great, but it's not always the case and i'm a lot happier when i
can watch stuff that evening as it's not always the case that propers are
seeded well enough for me to start a new torrent of a proper and have it ready
before i'm off to bed.
i take what i can get most of the time.
i watched the soprano's pre-air dvdrip which was very badly done and i still
made it to the end.
i think a lot of people forget how bad things used to be before hdtv and
dvdrips ruled and shitty cams and dodgy vhsrips were all that here was.
Written by: s0ldaten [05/04/2007, 12:33]
thanks from venezuela
Written by: Nathalia [05/04/2007, 12:43]
well i finally finished downloading this torrent.
i'm watching it now on my laptop using real media player and the usual divx
it's the same quality as usual. i don't know what all the complaints were
about. thank you eztv and sorny.
Written by: wilfredf [05/04/2007, 12:56]
does anyone know where to find the latest subtitles for this series?
btw im new here, & i think this site is fantastic!!!
Written by: Ven [05/04/2007, 13:19]
look i agree that the proper is the file more obviously desired by all,
including myself. most of the time i arrive late enuff that a proper is
already available and if not i always read the show comments to check for info
to see whether i should wait. today was alil different ... was rather busy
and happened to spot my shows up early so i grabbed em. as for the file
today, i can live wif a millisecond glitch and frankly im surprised a proper
was even released (pointless rant as there is one anyway). case in point, i
think it was the last release of smallville, or mayb the one b4, that had a
more serious glitch with a dreadfully cut ending ... i didnt see a proper
release for that .... but then i dont look anywhere else but channel eztv.
as for "boasting powers of observation"? i simply stated that i had no probs
with this release and i also threw my lil conspiracy theory out there. lol.
actually i wouldnt be surprised if im right considering the nuke/unnuke
confusion occuring on a couple of "lost" releases this week.
strangely tho bishop, it was my direct comments to you regarding ur i-dont-
wanna-click-thru-thankyou-posts-for-the-info-i-need whinge that u have
avoided. as i said, i wont apologise for expressing my gratitude to ez and
the scene on the shows i download. i rarely trust my download limit to any
other tv torrents. if i get in ur way with my big thanx posts ... well tough.
btw bishop, observe that im a she.
Written by: winofiend [05/04/2007, 14:24]
Quote by thebishop74
when people are saying it's nuked, it's nuked, end of story,
wait for proper or
download the hr if it's better.
you always get people coming in and claiming crap like "it's only really
minor", or "it's still very/100% watchable", ignore 'all' those posts, they are
usually guys who don't have a clue, and/or are willing to put up with stuff
that would annoy the crap out of most people.
or even worse, they are idiots who preview like 30 seconds of the file and
claim it's not nuked based on that...
i have never found a nuked file that was even remotely watchable, usually even
the nuked description is just the tip of the iceberg, just reads the posts,
talk of it being a doggy rip from a bad source, general poor quality, and most
of that combined will also usually give really bad results on many stand alone
don't keep nuked releases alive, just let them just die, it's embarrassing to
see 20000 people trying to download a nuked release.
and it sure was nice to see 11 people thank the scene for a nuked release on
the first page, even better that it almost meant no nuke warning on that first
page, thanks to rseiler for getting in there fast...
oh pull your head in...
Written by: vibe666 [05/04/2007, 16:18]
just watched it, one or two tiny glitches, but nothing that would spoil
anything. didn't notice any shadowy colour things either, but it was streamed
from my pc to my xbox running xbmc and that'll pretty much play anything you
throw at it flawlessly.
Written by: thebishop74 [05/04/2007, 23:59]
i dislike mindless tagging on the first couple of pages where we should be
seeing feedback on the torrent, i also strongly dislike nukes, and winofiend
because he never has anything intelligent to say.
but it's all just an opinion, the same as anyone else's, including those of the
mindless taggers who insists on leaving their 100% pointless mark in these
if i were a mod of some sort, i'd delete all the mindless crap in these
threads, including my somewhat pointless rants, but i have it from good
authority that they simply don't care.
don't like my point of view, tough shit, if you can pollute this thread with
your crap, so can i...
*evil laugh*
Written by: paziek [06/04/2007, 07:24]
watched it and didn't noticed a single glitch.
i guess you need a microscope and check every frame, pixel by pixel, and then
take a walk to some music studio, and there see if audio has any glitches as well.
i do store shows on dvd's, and i don't see any point to download 'proper' even
for that purpose.
just my opinion, perhaps i've had eye-fart or ear-fart while watching this,
gotta consult my doctor.
Written by: metalaoextremo [11/04/2007, 20:10]