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forzikz Posted at 28/10/2016, 03:49
yeah, its so fuckin annoying... a lot of fuckin nagware every 2 clicks, so fuckin lame
forzikz Posted at 28/10/2016, 03:51
its so fuckin annoying... a lot of fuckin nagware every 2 clicks, so fuckin lame
(((Hollywood))) Posted at 04/11/2016, 21:46
This advertisement is a bit over the top. And forced. Which is annoying to no extent. I understand the need for it, but this is just
way too much.
Dileany Posted at 12/11/2016, 06:28
Register and the ads stop =) Easy&fast solution.
secondrule Posted at 13/12/2016, 00:43
No they fucking don't!! You idiot!

They just get targeted.

Christ! There are some gullible idiots out there.
basisdude Posted at 16/01/2017, 10:36
I found that it was like a race to kill the add window on the second click such that I can actually use eztv.
I will say that now that I have registered AND set the option to NO SHOW ADS I get no ads anymore.

I love the ability to add MY list of shows and also be able to tag which shows I have already downloaded.
Next time thru I have a single screen which displays everything that is actually new to ME.

Now I need to find where to request "Travelers" to be groups into it own show page.
vcoop7259 Posted at 28/01/2017, 02:59
whats going on with new episodes of the haves and the have nots
nativeninjac Posted at 10/02/2017, 04:58
why aint eztv posting bering sea gold? always slow eztv sucks now
hadifarnoud Posted at 17/03/2017, 05:08
please reseed Bachelor in Paradise S03 from E03 to E11. it has only two slow seeder
Hunterpuss Posted at 28/08/2017, 17:39
i realise your post is old now, but did you find a way to do this as I seem to have the same problem now. very
annoying when redundant for me. any help appreciated. Thanks
zolabb Posted at 11/10/2017, 02:58
please could someone put up SO5 the curse of oak island ep 1 aired today 11th/10/2017

thank you
Azrael14 Posted at 27/10/2017, 12:42
Looking for The Simpsons The special Springfield of Dreams: The Legend of Homer Simpson.
Azrael14 Posted at 12/11/2017, 17:31
Weediquette Season 3 Episode 8 & 9.
blair99 Posted at 07/12/2017, 12:47
Hey I was wondering if anyone know a a good site to find stand-up comedy ( tv-shows)?

Id like to find the series comedy now so many good comedians. Who I really want to see is in season 14.

Or dose anyone know a good site I could stream this type of content. It's so hard to find stand-up

thanks for reading
abrogard Posted at 26/01/2018, 18:24
I just want to ask if 'The Missing' S2E7 is available anywhere.
But I can't find how to post...
All I can do is put it here in a reply..

anyone know.. ?
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