eztv many thanks from germany, ...you are the best!
Written by: jasperchc [13/03/2007, 15:33]
this episode is great, less of the morronic jack and more of the other casts.
24 was great until season 3-4, after that things just gets old with the same
lines over and over again. and the decision that jack makes are just stupid,
one second he is all heroic, the next he is an idiot killing his own friends.
i just find his behaviour more and more retard like, keeps on shouting at
everyone around him and wanting to do everything his own way.
"i need to do this alone", "now you listen to me, we are running out of
time/we dont have much time", "......, now!", "tens of thousands of lives are
at stake...", just a few lines which are repeated frequently, getting sick of
hearing them.