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[#2091] Written by: bobgreen5s [22/10/2006, 08:02]
if your still feeling generous i would love an invite,

[email protected]
[#2108] Written by: Lazarou [22/10/2006, 14:42]
me too please

[email protected]
[#2109] Written by: ngdes [22/10/2006, 14:45]
hi, if you still have invites left,

ngrounds_des @ yahoo.com
[#2110] Written by: XaRGoN [22/10/2006, 15:14]
would like an invite too as well please

[email protected]

thank you.
[#2113] Written by: largo7 [22/10/2006, 16:52]
would love an invite.

[email protected]

thank you
[#2124] Written by: nosebleed [22/10/2006, 19:30]
i would love an invite also, if you have any left!


[#2199] Written by: durfa [23/10/2006, 05:24]
i would love an invite also, if you have any left!

durfa [{a-t}]msn[{dot}]com

[#2219] Written by: cometuti [23/10/2006, 13:24]
yes i want an invite
[email protected]
[#2234] Written by: rom1rapunzel [23/10/2006, 17:42]
i would really enjoy an invit from anyone ;o)
thank you very much!!!!
[#2241] Written by: 4815162342 [23/10/2006, 19:16]
can i please have an invite?
i need one because i live in australia and all the good shows don't air for a
few years over here....

[email protected]

[#2242] Written by: remoseley [23/10/2006, 19:22]
can i please have an invite.

[email protected]
[#2243] Written by: Jason001 [23/10/2006, 19:52]
can i please have an invite..

[email protected]
[#2266] Written by: dziperek [24/10/2006, 00:13]
can i have one too, please.
[email protected]
[#2274] Written by: darkmanx [24/10/2006, 01:53]
me too please [email protected]

`ppreciate it...
[#2275] Written by: rholden [24/10/2006, 02:03]
would love an invite

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