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argkiller Posted at 04/05/2014, 15:08
how i can recover my password ?
BoonesFerry Posted at 04/05/2014, 18:44

Quote by argkiller
how i can recover my password ?

spojax Posted at 06/05/2014, 07:37
hi novaking,
thank you for the update! i for one think you do a brilliant job getting us access to all these
fantastic shows. keep up the great work, you are much appreciated. jax
lyndalouvt Posted at 06/05/2014, 20:36
hi, i cannot figure out where to request episodes of a show that has been being posted regularly but
suddenly has disappeared--tonight show w/ jimmy fallon. i know someone in my area, btv/plattsburgh,
has been posting it regularly and i love watching it! i think bryan cranston was on last night, 5/5,
and would esp. love to see that one. if this is the wrong place to post requests for episodes of
existing shows, could someone let me know? and thanks to whoever has been posting jimmy fallon!
BoonesFerry Posted at 06/05/2014, 20:43

Quote by lyndalouvt
... tonight show w/ jimmy fallon.

this forum is for reporting "issues with website."
things like, navigation, features, page loading, or other functions not working properly.
your issue would fit best in the "show request, inquiries, and info" forum:

regarding jimmy fallon please read the show information page:

(excerpt) note: the scene does not always cap this show. therefore eztv cannot always provide a
torrent. eztv will be offering the sd (standard definition) only. sometimes the scene will only
release a 720 version...which are torrented by other torrent groups and posted on other torrent
sties, such as thepiratebay: http://thepiratebay.se/search/jimmy.fallon/0/3/0

if the scene does not cap it, then eztv cannot torrent it.
eztv has no control over what the scene chooses to release.
sometimes, non-scene independent's will also cap and share
torrents on other sites such as tpb, but lately they have not.

Sciguy77 Posted at 07/05/2014, 23:59
for the 2nd day this week no shows seem to be updating. it's nearly midnight on may the 7th and none
of the 14 shows i've been following this season have posted a new episode. they're available on tpb as
well as several other torrent sites however. is there some sinister force at work here, keeping uploaders
from gaining access to the site? just curious -- eztv is one of those sites i just can't live without!
BoonesFerry Posted at 08/05/2014, 17:08

Quote by sciguy77
for the 2nd day this week no shows ... it's nearly midnight ...
none of the 14 shows i've been following this season have posted a new episode.
... they're available on tpb as well as several other torrent sites ...
... keeping uploaders from gaining access to the site?

at a minimum, read the most recent page before you post.
this is a standard expectation in any forum on any site.

same thing i told the person in the post right above yours...
this forum is for reporting "issues with website." things like, navigation, features, page loading, or
other functions not working properly. comments or q&a regarding late or missing episodes are
not "issues with website". please use the "show request, inquiries, and info" forum:

please wait 24 hour before asking about a late or missing torrent.
website/forum rules: http://eztv.it/forum/6527/web-site-forum-rules/

most shows are torrented shortly after the scene has released a show. however, there are times
when, manpower, resources, access to scene releases, etc., are limited. sometimes a torrent may
not be posted for several hours and sometimes not until the following day.
up to 24-ish hours is within our acceptable norm. if that works for you, fine, if not, then
fine. pretty simple. we post what we post when we post it. if a torrent is available on another site
and you don't want to wait for ours, no problem, simply get it from the other site.

p.s. "keeping uploaders from gaining access to the site?" what are you talking about? there is no
sinister force at work here. eztv makes its own torrents, and only eztv can upload eztv
torrents to eztv.it. eztv is not keeping itself from gaining access to its own site. unlike dozens of
other torrent sites, like thepiratebay kat et etc., eztv is not a repository where anyone and
everyone can upload torrents.

eg Posted at 20/05/2014, 06:08

off topic post removed
mattoaks Posted at 20/05/2014, 10:16
any help would be greatly appreciated!!

i accidentally clicked the "watched all" link at the top of "my page" and have now lost all progress
i was tracking on my shows that i watch. this is extremely annoying, especially if i have to go back
and click "unwatch" on every show that i haven't dled yet.

is there anyway for the admins of the site to undo what i just did, so that it will save me a ton of
time? i have over 60 shows that i was tracking on here and i really don't want to have to start over
from scratch.

please please please, any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated!! thank you!!
chosen181 Posted at 30/05/2014, 23:32
i was wondering if it was possible to put the shows description type on the showlist page. could
you add a column saying whether the show is scifi, drama, etc. right on the page with the option of
clicking on the type and another showlist page comes up with all the shows of that type. i think
that it will make the site a lot more user friendly and alert people to shows that they haven't heard
of yet. let me know if you like the idea. it seems like there is plenty of room on the showlist
spreadsheet. thank you for your time.
joe h.
aka chosen181
Bryson Posted at 02/06/2014, 10:14
unable to open "my page". presently using http://eztv.it , to open web site and sign in.

is there anyway, to not have advertising web sites open, each time i click on "log in" or download
a show.

unclemort Posted at 02/06/2014, 10:23
no menu items to the right of (and including) rss are working.
one time a "this girl needs blood" or some such nonsense appeared, once closed i could access my
page but no links were active.
daan Posted at 02/06/2014, 10:28
i got the same problem as bryson and unclemort. it seems like the pretty weird promo 'this asian girl
needs blood' (which is hidden in my case) gets over that part of the menu. this is probably what bryson
calls advertising web sites.

however you can just use the url to open 'my page': http://eztv.it/myshows/
max55 Posted at 04/06/2014, 07:08
is the advertisement i'm seeing from eztv or is it some kind of hack
BoonesFerry Posted at 04/06/2014, 16:56

re: that odd new thing in the upper right corner of my screen when i visit eztv.

this asian girl needs blood
support laos'
2nd horror film
from laos'
1st horror director

this is not a paid advertisement.
it is not a virus or hack of some sort.
it is a promo in support of the film project:
nong hak 'dearest sister' - a lao horror film.
igg, indiegogo, is a crowdfudning site similar to kickstarter.
it is primarily used by people in countries other than the usa.
our site's admin has taken interest in the project and is promoting it.

to close the promo overlay, click on the [x] in the upper right corner.
as shown in this image: http://ezimg.ch/t/blood_promo.png

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