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mannyp Posted at 20/11/2023, 02:31
but I cannot thank upbeat is my redistribution.
cortina685 Posted at 20/11/2023, 05:12
I have the same problem reported by flibbertiflab, in fact I have not found any new entries that have the icon, that have a link
to the streaming site. I really miss this function.


[#527063] Written by: flibbertiflab [19/11/2023, 12:03]
will the streaming ever be available again ? currently those torrents that have the "streaming" icon don't (for
me at least) stream (they just have jpgs). is it just me, or is this a thing, and if it's a thing, is there a
correction that we can look forward to ?
SinclairN Posted at 21/11/2023, 18:31
Some news about it?
db797028 Posted at 30/12/2023, 20:53
I can't download torrents files. When I click on the proper icon, it directs to a "https://zoink.ch/torrent/" ; address (I don't know if that's OK) and I always receive the response "zoink.ch | 522: Connection timed out" and "Connection timed out Error code 522".

Thanks in advance!
rickndeb Posted at 30/12/2023, 22:40
Instead of left clicking on 'download', right click on magnet, copy link address and enter that in you torrent client
verner77 Posted at 30/12/2023, 23:10
Creating new posts. Hello. I just registered today for a forum account but cant seem to find a button to create a new post with topic name. Is there a waiting period for approval? just wanted to make sure it wasnt something i was missing. thanks for your time
rickndeb Posted at 30/12/2023, 23:19
To create a new topic, from Forum, scroll down to either "General" or TV-news. That's the only 2 places you can start a
new topic and new thread.
rickndeb Posted at 30/12/2023, 23:19
verner77 Posted at 30/12/2023, 23:37
ok thank you very much So even if im looking for lets say a specific torrent i would simply post in general then i assume?
rickndeb Posted at 30/12/2023, 23:42
Place a search in top box "Search Title" first. If nothing found then place a request in General.
rickndeb Posted at 30/12/2023, 23:44
If you find a torrent you want 'right click' on magnet and 'copy link address' then paste into your torrent client. Clicking on
'Download' doesn't work
db797028 Posted at 01/01/2024, 00:37
My problem is solved now, I can download torrents files again. Thanks to the people that maintain this wonderful webpage!
dlbott Posted at 20/01/2024, 18:16
Where or is there place to comment on torrents.

For example was going to let ez users know they will need subs on echo series
because do much is sign language. At least for mp4 version, the mov usually
have them in the file.

Anyway, thought I would ask where to do that. When I find the series and go into
that page there is no place to post info for everyone in a comment.

Sisiphus Posted at 22/01/2024, 02:54
Q: Where can I find subtitles to the shows I download from EZTV?

A: We have setup a separate subtitles page where you
can find subtitles and information on how to use them.
Please Click Here.
Yes but is not worgink!!!
rickndeb Posted at 22/01/2024, 04:24
Here are two sources of many:

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