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sgartlan Posted at 08/10/2023, 00:36
I too am getting the 552 error code when trying to connect to the tracker torrent link, It will connect with the magnet
link though. This has been going on for 3 or 4 days now.
jlmeyer Posted at 08/10/2023, 02:28
The website has a redirect virus that everytime you click on a show it takes you to a new advertiszing website

For awhile now the Zonk feed has been broken as I keep getting a cloudflare error saying it is down
WGAF Posted at 08/10/2023, 14:46
STILL not working for me.

Can see all the listings but as soon as I click for a torrent download.....nothing.

As I write it's 11:45am Sunday 8th Oct 2023.
Didge1174 Posted at 08/10/2023, 22:43
Hi am also having same issue as listed here: zoink.ch holds the torrent files for eztv.re and i've been getting the same
cloudflare code 522 message that others seem to be getting when downloading any torrent file. i've been switching servers in
my vpn and normally only use the "tor" browser, but the 522 error won't go away, even when using chrome. i've also used a site
checker and zoink.ch seems to be unreachable.
prettytiredbud Posted at 09/10/2023, 03:06
what's happening guys? cant download anymore
WGAF Posted at 09/10/2023, 11:43
Can now download torrents as usual. It's 8:45am Monday Oct 9th 2023 as I write in Los Angeles. Thanks for the fix, life is
good again.
WGAF Posted at 10/10/2023, 10:15
Once again, I can't download any torrents.


As I write it's 7:15am Tuesday morning 10/10/23 here in Los Angeles.
crokau Posted at 10/10/2023, 17:17
Fixed then broken again
tauron12 Posted at 10/10/2023, 21:53
Same issue as before, worked for a little while then the 'ol Error code 522.
WGAF Posted at 11/10/2023, 16:14
can download torrents again so all is normal again.

it's 1:15pm Wed 11th oct here in LA as i write this.
PeterPerfect22 Posted at 01/11/2023, 23:36
Welcome back guys, we missed you.
PeterPerfect22 Posted at 01/11/2023, 23:38
P.S. there is still some Chrome pop-ups when you Register.
sml156 Posted at 02/11/2023, 01:01
to whomever put Humpty Dumpty back together again

Thank you
CraigNB Posted at 02/11/2023, 01:46

Thanks for the HARD WORK you have done to get back online
sml156 Posted at 02/11/2023, 01:55
is there any way to get a list of the torrents that eztv missed indexing for the the last week , all I got is two hours of new torrents
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