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hurikane901 Posted at 14/12/2020, 23:43
Anyone else having problems with their torrents not downloading in utorrent? I get the message 'Unable to load "Torrent
Name" Invalid File'?
hurikane901 Posted at 14/12/2020, 23:56
I'm asking for clarity to see if it was on my end. I'm looking for solutions. So if you are just here to provide a flippant
comment, its unappreciated.
krae68 Posted at 15/12/2020, 00:06
I'm having the same problem hurikane901
TheFoo Posted at 15/12/2020, 01:22
hurikane901 - Same issue started this evening for me.
NovaKing (Administrator) Posted at 15/12/2020, 15:47
@: the cause of 0 bytes (corrupt/invalid) .torrent files has been identified and it will be fixed in 1hr ETA. Please write here, if it works.
krae68 Posted at 16/12/2020, 04:06
@Nova King - its working for me now, thank you!
EZTV Free TV Posted at 22/12/2020, 09:11
How do you remove a show from your list?
I also accidentally marked a show as watched, now it does not show up like the others with
episodes under it, can that be changed back so I can see when there is a new show?
dory73 Posted at 24/12/2020, 05:35
How can I stop the annoying pop-up 'add this' EZTV.RE please bookmark and share - email,
twitter, reddit, pinterest and symbaloo.
Any help would be appreciated.
revittony Posted at 26/12/2020, 07:30
thanks for giving the option to go back to the old style.
the only problem i have now is that some of the results have no data, only "Released"
what i mean is that it gives the torrent name but no "Size" or "seeds".
this still stops duckie tv from downloading and still have to manually start the download.
if it finds a torrent that is 0mb it will not start the download automatically.
also i have unchecked h265 from the results but they are still there.
can you fix these, please?
EarlyRiser Posted at 29/12/2020, 10:38
Once logged in, it would be nice to be able to edit my post, reply to some else’s post, or even
leave a comment about a torrent. For example, as of right now, all postings for Air Warriors S07E04
are incorrect because the TV network broadcasted a substitute show not what was listed. Knowing this
kind of thing before downloading would save the users of this site a lot of time and aggravation.
NovaKing (Administrator) Posted at 31/12/2020, 09:57
@revittony: can you post here the exact filename to find the problem?
NovaKing (Administrator) Posted at 31/12/2020, 09:58
@EarlyRiser: the option to do this will be available at a later time. Thanks for feedback.
ash110 Posted at 07/01/2021, 21:24
Is it correct that nothing has been added now for over 13 hours?
rdz225 Posted at 07/01/2021, 23:10
15Hrs with no new uploads
ImNotReallyHere Posted at 08/01/2021, 00:35
Can we get a conspiracy theory going? Maybe they were at the very peaceful protest in Washington, DC. They got
detained for looking at the royalty's temple, and are sitting around in jail while the bot messed up. We must hope they
don't discover their connection to this site.

Next time secure corporate sponsors so the media loves you.
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