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   EZTV turns 5!



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[#164306] Written by: interestedparty [31/07/2011, 16:04]
5 years! a mark to be proud of. as you move forward i would like to see you prosper by adding a sponsor
advertising option that would get the nags off your back. say someone is hesitant to seed for you; well,
they might be more likely to seed a version that has approved advertising at the beginning of the show. just
trying to brainstorm a little. there has to be a solution for those of us that prefer free programs in exchange
for watching same advertisement.
[#164564] Written by: vicent5 [07/08/2011, 21:33]
i love this site, happy birthday ~~~ and wish u doing etter and better
[#164721] Written by: Mustangshawn [10/08/2011, 11:14]
didnt you just turn 4 last year?
[#164768] Written by: Jonken [11/08/2011, 13:24]
congratzzzz to a wounderfull site!
[#165297] Written by: slige [23/08/2011, 11:18]
happy 5th birthday you guys have done a great job.
[#165463] Written by: DUBRAVKO [27/08/2011, 15:05]
though i have been with you for nearly four years; you have given me such joy and happiness beyond
words. keep on the good work; and a very happy 5th birthday.
[#165511] Written by: AbuSarah [28/08/2011, 09:51]
you guys been great and we wish eztv all the best...

[#165584] Written by: sCifI3001 [30/08/2011, 03:27]
Quote by mustangshawn
didnt you just turn 4 last year?

no, that would have been 2009
[#166033] Written by: sELUR [03/09/2011, 16:22]
happy birthday from me
[#166097] Written by: dave.m [04/09/2011, 21:34]
it's been a wonderful 5years, even with the painic of server crashes mistaken for site shutdowns. log live eztv
[#166124] Written by: wasala0329 [05/09/2011, 01:57]
happy birthday eztv...!
[#166633] Written by: pikake069 [13/09/2011, 02:25]
hau`oli la hanau (happy birthday) eztv!!! much love from hawaii.
[#167039] Written by: Speedy66 [18/09/2011, 04:51]
congratulation eztv

we love u
[#168103] Written by: souzeus [01/10/2011, 21:57]
more 10

and a happy life


[#168193] Written by: pira [02/10/2011, 23:12]
happy birthday!
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