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   EZTV turns 5!



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[#139324] Written by: twinat [03/08/2010, 02:41]
congratulation ya!
[#139407] Written by: BrendaB [04/08/2010, 06:53]
wrong thread
[#139577] Written by: rapgirl7 [07/08/2010, 09:12]
happy birthday!!!
ups and downs or not - you're still brilliant and we love you....
[#139588] Written by: james_cowboys [07/08/2010, 19:15]
keep up the good work guys!!!!!!!
[#139683] Written by: Raker [09/08/2010, 10:27]
just promise youll do it for the next 5 years
[#139815] Written by: mark&carrina [12/08/2010, 18:18]
well done. happy 5th
don't no what i'd do without you

[#139832] Written by: dakota1 [13/08/2010, 06:40]
congratulations! your dedication and patience with the hungry hoards are to be commended. long live
[#139890] Written by: reuma1 [14/08/2010, 06:11]
greetings from
[#139905] Written by: Chouette [14/08/2010, 12:44]
wow congrats eztv!!! miss you everytime you go offline for a bit... best website for all my
shows! a big thanks from canada! :-)
[#139908] Written by: bawrkilp [14/08/2010, 14:03]
many happy returns of the day.

may you see many more birthdays.

thank you for all the high quality service you provide.
[#139942] Written by: renstahl [15/08/2010, 08:49]
happy birthday, i love this site with all the series on the frontpage and the countdown list is so
awesome one thing that i whould like to change is the eztv banner on the top of the side but
thats not so important
[#140113] Written by: riskfree [18/08/2010, 01:25]
congrats eztv!
keep up all the good work!
[#140115] Written by: amacika [18/08/2010, 01:38]
you`re awesome
[#140861] Written by: mrfoster [02/09/2010, 06:18]
thank you. i had five years of great shows and ease of use. i hope you have many more years to
come :-)
[#140953] Written by: impurite [04/09/2010, 06:26]
i wish many many 5 years more thnx eztv for existing
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