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[#135996] Written by: safronchik [05/06/2010, 08:36]
wow! 5 years! thats a lot.
thank you for your great work!

greetings from russia
[#136089] Written by: tastyboyz [06/06/2010, 21:13]
congratulations ! eztv ...

& thank you for all u have done, if it wasn't for u i would be stuck with the shitty tv channels on in my

best of luck for the years to come
[#136105] Written by: ncoutts [07/06/2010, 02:07]
thankyou eztv, australia has the worst tv networks ever and having the new episodes come out (eg
glee) is g8. hoping for another 5 years to come
[#136211] Written by: Evil Timmy [08/06/2010, 14:18]
congratulations eztv! it's been great seeing you grow since i hosted you on the 10mbit.com tracker
out of my living room. thanks for only getting more awesome over the years!
[#136251] Written by: stimey789 [09/06/2010, 04:40]
cool that is great! and for your info true blood will show for the 3 season on june 13 !!!
[#136255] Written by: countryaustralia [09/06/2010, 05:11]
i think you have great web site as we dont get all the good shows but with your site we can, so
happy birthday.
off topic deleted. also, there is no 13, google is your friend
[#136267] Written by: grona [09/06/2010, 10:27]
sites fucked up again, heads up.

should really allow new topics or have some place to let you know about this.
[#136296] Written by: sCifI3001 [09/06/2010, 15:42]
Quote by grona
sites fucked up again, heads up.

should really allow new topics or have some place to let you know about this.


and, if the site was down, that thread would be 'very' useful . . .
#eztv @ efnet . . .
[#136314] Written by: countryaustralia [10/06/2010, 02:38]
re the bridge, googled it and says there a no 13 but hey you guys are the experts and i trust you, love
your site soo much it sure is a tv saver here in australia, dont like it when site is down i go into tv
withdrawel symptons.

did ypu happen to notice that the first episode you got, red door & paint it black was a double
ep with a single number? hence the ep numbered 12 is the 13th
[#136319] Written by: flospi [10/06/2010, 04:17]
congratulations also from my side!
[#136322] Written by: namorhouse [10/06/2010, 05:02]
congratulations from spain. its a really great site and you do an amazing work. all the best for the
[#136327] Written by: countryaustralia [10/06/2010, 08:21]
oh of course my apols you are just soo cleaver, me not so, thanks very much for your help . i just so
much appreciate your site it is by far the best site on line.
[#136343] Written by: 1dalmation [10/06/2010, 15:59]
congrats !!

off topic deleted
[#136390] Written by: fatguy69 [11/06/2010, 14:19]
happy 5th and many more i find some of the shows entertaining but wonder if any one likes some of
the oldies as well. i know there are a few i enjoy still when i can find them. and yet they don'ty
touch the newer shows. it's a shame i didn't know of this place till i saw it on torwentscan. am i
that old and dumb?
[#136406] Written by: farlee [11/06/2010, 21:34]

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