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   Dexter 1x12 (HDTV-LOL)



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[#9044] Written by: gorogo [18/12/2006, 03:56]
did anyone else think this one was really sad? i don't like how it turned out.
i mean, the show was fine, but i'm disappointed in what happened.
[#9045] Written by: hammermc [18/12/2006, 04:00]
wow great finale. thanks so much for posting this torrent. would have never
tuned in had i not been bored and gave the ep1 torrent a try. thanks again
eztv guys.
[#9066] Written by: marker80 [18/12/2006, 08:31]
deb is not even half as annoying as this black sergeant. damn what a lame actor.
[#9071] Written by: nayab9 [18/12/2006, 09:05]
omg agreed with marker80, i hate his bird beak face all the time it annoys me to
no end!!

this show rocks!!!!!!!!!!!
dexter kicks major ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cannot wait till season 2!
[#9072] Written by: branch [18/12/2006, 09:25]
amazing finale!!!!!!!!
i'm gonna miss it so much...

i also like deb. i admit she's a bit annoying, but she's supposed to be that
way, and the actress who plays her is doing an excellent job.

and michael c. hall is so gonna win that golden globe. the competition is
tough, but i think the votes are going to be divided between hugh and kiefer,
so it could work in favor of michael.
[#9077] Written by: plyna [18/12/2006, 10:38]
the actress who plays deb is excellent. she comes across as a real person, not
some plastic tv type. she can be sexy but also geeky or angry etc.

it's because she's so good that the character can be annoying, in the sense that
you want to tell her to stop being so naive. it's like getting to know someone,
including their weaknesses and strengths. now rita is on the bland/too sweet
side for my tastes.
[#9082] Written by: gqlatin [18/12/2006, 12:02]
wow that was a great finale!!!

when is the second season starting?! ((
[#9086] Written by: dkm [18/12/2006, 12:36]
thanks for the up!
this show is just great...hope season 2 will be just as good
[#9100] Written by: lucifieren [18/12/2006, 14:03]
one of the best shows of the year along with eureka and justice
[#9106] Written by: TBurbank [18/12/2006, 15:06]
sort of an underwhelming finale. a little too predictable and a somewhat quick
confrontation between dexter and the itk. i guess they kept the quality level so
consistent throughout the season that i was really expecting more. the last
minute was great though.

regarding deb, i don't like her but the actress does a very good job. and rita
is way more annoying.
[#9119] Written by: stephonious [18/12/2006, 16:23]
i love this show and am sad season 1 is over with this episode. i'm praying for some seeds though. my
bittorrent interface is showing that i have to wait 637 days. somebody, please seeeeeeeeeeed!
[#9195] Written by: jefumeduthe [19/12/2006, 07:52]
i will tell you who is really annoying, maria laguerta head of the crime lab.
she is not the head anymore and i hope dexeter finishes her off too. great
twists towards the end! i wonder what's in stock for the second season!
[#9250] Written by: Carnifx [19/12/2006, 12:08]
yeah, this is a stunning series, i can't wait for more.

day break was good too, but they cancelled it. eureka's
geat, but the only show to top dexter is heroes.

i really hope rita can 'understand' dex's foibles.. after all
he only kill baddies and rita has had her fair share of that
kind of experience.. he did her a huge favour, you'd think
she'd thank him.
[#9280] Written by: bugchicklv [19/12/2006, 15:36]
unforunately julie benz did such a good job playing the big bads in roswell and
buffy/angel that i kept thinking she would have a darker side, that she might be
accepting of him, and that dexter should just tell her everything. it took me 5
or 6 eps to realize this mistake and i had to go back and watch them all
deliberately narrowing my focus to just the character she was in this show.

and both deb and rita are annoying--which, to me, means the actresses are doing
a great job.
[#10035] Written by: foxtecca [29/12/2006, 21:11]
i love both :$

so many beauties.

ironic how both womens lives come to a head.
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