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   HBOs "The Wire" season 4 dvd screener leaked



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[#720] Written by: kant69 [05/10/2006, 00:25]
s t y l e
[#739] Written by: thehun [05/10/2006, 12:10]
[#744] Written by: kant69 [05/10/2006, 12:35]
[#760] Written by: thehun [05/10/2006, 19:25]
[#770] Written by: kant69 [06/10/2006, 03:08]
9806858e9=859232908340aq .78
[#784] Written by: thehun [06/10/2006, 07:55]
[#786] Written by: kant69 [06/10/2006, 08:23]
sperm bank
[#798] Written by: thehun [06/10/2006, 15:05]

[#834] Written by: kant69 [07/10/2006, 00:33]
recipe book
[#915] Written by: jazzysoul [09/10/2006, 05:22]
btw: i've seen the first ten ripped and posted at other places. however episode
10 (crx)is actually episode 11. it was tagged wrong.

yeah, i agree...hbo is gonna come down hard on this. can't wait to read about
it. lol
[#971] Written by: thehun [10/10/2006, 10:44]
wtf dude! what if hbo released the screeners ahead of time knowing this would
happen, and improve ratings for the show? if hbo decides to go after anyone it
should be the motherf*&s selling them at the auction houses not the people who
donate there time, bandwith,money and ask nothing in return except that you guys
seed. so you cant wait to see hbo sue there customers?!?! i dont think your
going to find a whole lot of people supporting that notion.
[#990] Written by: syd3n [10/10/2006, 12:26]
so does that mean e6 will be avail soon too?
[#991] Written by: thehun [10/10/2006, 12:49]

not sure if it's legit,

[#1010] Written by: Budking [10/10/2006, 19:04]
if you dont subscribe to hbo you are not their customer. for some reason, i
doubt most of the people that download hbo actually subcscribe.
[#1018] Written by: syd3n [10/10/2006, 23:34]
Quote by thehun

not sure if it's legit,

much appreciated dog...was trying to get by on the yellow tops, but u busted out
the wmd's up on this muthafakka...let me know if u need help working ur
package...i'm a great corner-worker. just don't tell mcnutty.
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