it'll be hd! they have their hd channel, so why not?
Written by: snyg [13/12/2006, 20:05]
the download of lost room seems to have no audio on any player i use. any idea
if it's a codec problem and where the best download solution may be? thanx.
Written by: gatefan [14/12/2006, 02:09]
make sure you have divx and xvid codecs.
Written by: gatefan [14/12/2006, 17:04]
i can officially confirm that sky one will be broadcasting the lost room in
january 2007. the mini-series will also be broadcast in hd on sky one hd
(channel 197).
i have the sky preview guide for january 2007, and had a look in there. as
suspected we'll get hd like we do with most of sci fi's programming (eureka,
sg-1, sg-a, bsg).
after finishing watching the first episode literally 10 minutes ago, i find this
mini-series to be brilliant and it would make a fantastic regular series.