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[#108136] Written by: earla [04/08/2009, 00:16]
thank you so much for working so hard, the new site looks great. magnet links, were they there before?
they work swell though so no worries, probably overlooked it in the previous page or something.
[#108143] Written by: jaaaine [04/08/2009, 00:58]
thank you so much, you are truly the best!!!!!
[#108144] Written by: Atasi [04/08/2009, 01:12]
hail novaking :d welcome back.
[#108145] Written by: byrontyrer [04/08/2009, 01:18]
really really missed the site!

great new website. thanks for the help with changing the dns, otherwise i wouldn't be on this site
until tomorrow. also great to have the forums back up.

thanks for all the great work you guys have done and for keeping everything going on twitter.

[#108154] Written by: mygadek [04/08/2009, 02:13]
glad to have you back.
[#108157] Written by: adidan [04/08/2009, 02:32]
finaly you are back!
wellcome back and a long and healthy life!
[#108158] Written by: blueicepop [04/08/2009, 02:51]
thanks for all the hard work you put in to this site.

you and your teams efforts are much loved
[#108159] Written by: RogerTheIncredible [04/08/2009, 03:03]
great to see you back up. long time seeder/leecher first time registered member. ;d
[#108160] Written by: biomech [04/08/2009, 03:10]
welcome back, man i\'ve missed you guys!
just wanted to let you know i\'m sure i\'m not alone when i say thanks for all the hard work and
tireless effort guys! i know you all fund this site outta your own pockets and basically make no
money for everything you do, and the service you provide. so thanks to all of you guys @eztv!
we get no good shows in australia - our free to air tv is the worst (16 year old episodes of the
simpsons...need i say more!?). so i depend on ur site to keep me sane!
keep up the great work!
[#108163] Written by: auctuz [04/08/2009, 03:22]
hey there! welcome back! really missed you guys! glad your back!
[#108164] Written by: Zteel [04/08/2009, 03:23]
thanks guys! we missed you indeed
[#108168] Written by: Magicman2051 [04/08/2009, 03:40]
great to see eztv back and with a forum! hopefully this will go smoother.

i'd just like to use this opportunity to thank the... team working on eztv.it for continuing to
maintain this site, far easier and more intuitive than browsing the piratebay(not to dis pb). i look
forward to enjoying some tv talk with people from around the world :d

if you need any help don't hesitate to ask.

that said i've been getting logged out randomly every few seconds, any idea about that?
[#108171] Written by: fishstix [04/08/2009, 03:49]
glad you're back!
[#108174] Written by: marvin_aus [04/08/2009, 04:17]
i'm just got one problem, using both chrome and firefox, i have problems staying logged in. i've checked
and mucked around with my cookies settings and i'm still having a hard time with the log-in


[#108175] Written by: ckheaduk [04/08/2009, 04:18]
that old saying 'you dont know what you've got, until you lose it' has been very apt for the past
few weeks!
so pleased your back, and looking very sleek. really do appreciate your efforts.
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