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[#108392] Written by: makdaddy [05/08/2009, 09:29]
nice to have you's guys back. i have been lost without the calander and countdown list.
[#108393] Written by: Tony_Touw [05/08/2009, 10:15]
very nice to have you guys back... been a hard long time
[#108394] Written by: pepsi666 [05/08/2009, 10:44]
hi nova king, nice to see eztv is back and the forums are open again at last (i hope they stay open
this time, but i can understand it if they get closed again, if there is a lot of sniping and slateing of other

i do enjoy getting the episodes from the us, and i guess i have to thank someone, so here we go,
thanks to anyone and everyone who uploads these torrents on eztv

thanks guys/girls, its appreciated
[#108396] Written by: edardepo [05/08/2009, 10:52]
welcome back
[#108399] Written by: b0llie [05/08/2009, 11:59]
hello, i wanted to ask something
i normally always download from your site
but now you improved it, i just don't get it anymore
if i want to dl a show, and i click on mirror 1 orso ( i guess i needed to click on that?)
then i go to another site and there it says that the download doesn't exist
i'm sorry if it isn't good englisch, im from holland;p
i hope that someone can help me
[#108401] Written by: alasdair23 [05/08/2009, 12:14]
eztv - welcome back guys! it's so good to see you again. we missed you. keep up the fantastic work, there were many
dark nights without you.
[#108407] Written by: ALMIGHTY1 [05/08/2009, 12:52]
glad to see u guys bk

respect to u
[#108408] Written by: Anna15021 [05/08/2009, 12:58]
im just so happy u r ba<ck
[#108414] Written by: leafsboy [05/08/2009, 13:43]
it's great to have you back!
[#108417] Written by: hjortstar [05/08/2009, 14:00]
why isnt heroes on the countdown list? it starts 21 september, right?
[#108420] Written by: gropius [05/08/2009, 14:08]
welcome back, indeed! <sniff> i _missed_ you guys <sniff>. many thanks to novaking -- your work is
greatly appreciated. also thanks to everybody behind-the-behind-the-scenes whoever, wherever you
are. all i can say as an unworthy, humble user is that "i promise to seed to my utmost ability; yea
verily i shall seed like industrial farming equipment until my isp pulls the plug and they wrest the
router from my cold, dead hands."
[#108422] Written by: Xanty [05/08/2009, 14:21]
welcome back,while having other sites sorting the shows was cool nothing beats eztv
[#108438] Written by: mitsie [05/08/2009, 17:42]
welcome back. i really missed the site.

you should setup a donations option. i for one would pay for this service.

thanks again,

from ireland
[#108441] Written by: napdan [05/08/2009, 18:59]
yay! glad you're back!
[#108442] Written by: burkey [05/08/2009, 19:07]
thank gawd your back...i spent 6 weeks checking each day and then trying to find a substitute...
but alas, there is no one able to fill your boots, or bra or whatever...again!
thank gawd your back...!
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