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[#488215] Written by: tannertat [14/01/2018, 07:00]
Would like to know just how to use the RSS Feed. I clicked on it but all I get is a note saying there's nothing
associated with it ????????????
[#488961] Written by: leasingmandate [23/07/2018, 12:14]
Dear Sir/Ma

I am direct to a provider who has recently issued banking instruments for a couple of my clients the provider is 100%
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Our instruments are only from triple 'a' rated banks and we issue from $1M to $5B . The provider is 100% verifiable. If you
are genuinely seeking bank instruments. Contact me and i will furnish you with details.

They deal with issuing of instruments such as Bank Guarantee and Standby letters of credit also Letters of credit. For genuine
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I will be glad to share with you our working procedures

Email: [email protected]

[#494206] Written by: jojozep [12/10/2018, 06:49]
Re: MiNX problems with video files.

Hello All

My first post, sorry if this is wrong place but could not find how to create a new thread for subject.

I've noticed lately that there is a new setup "MiNX" these typically having small sized files and
quality (for me anyway) is good enough.

The problem is that I have trouble playing these in their raw format and also after trying to
convert using Handbreak. Mine you they do play in programs like VLC but my main player is an old
POPCORN A-100 that (still) does a terrific job with other MKV downloads from SAV, AVS, AFG, KILLERS etc.

Could MiNX please look into this problem.

I just love EZTV and YTS.

Many thanks
[#500731] Written by: flower_pot_man [19/01/2019, 04:32]
they used to be in MP4 format but now are not is there a reason why?
[#500845] Written by: rndthought [11/02/2019, 18:13]
Is there any chance to get "FILE SIZE" added as a column on the "/MY SHOWS/" listing page?

AND thank you for all the hard work!
[#501211] Written by: pitsaboy1 [05/05/2019, 06:44]
I download series from this site many years now and i didnt have any problems
the last month some series propably have different codec and they dosnt play on my samsung tv
is they a way that i can fix this
[#501993] Written by: mcquade181 [14/10/2019, 21:47]
MKV CODEC LIBRARY x264 core 157 r2969 IS BROKEN
Can AVS please use a later (or earlier) writing library version for MKVs than x264 core 157 r2969?
They appear to have started using this broken library earlier this year.
Release 2969 is broken and gives a black screen on some decoders such as Haali Media Splitter Ver which is
commonly used for MKV support in Windows 7 and WMC.
It also apparently fails with the same black screen on the built in decoder in some TVs.
All other library versions such as r2901, r2932, 2958, r2984 are OK, it is just r2969 that has problems.

And please, please continue to use AC-3 for sound and not AAC. Some versions of the the AAC format will not play correctly on
many decoders (including some built in ones like in WD players and TVs). If they play at all they give very choppy sound.
[#501994] Written by: mcquade181 [14/10/2019, 22:59]
Looks like KILLERS and cookiemonster are also using the faulty x264 core 157 r2969 writing library, presumably because that is
what mkvmerge v8.8.0 uses. So perhaps the problem really lies with mkvmerge and the libraries that it uses.
[#505607] Written by: crash613 [19/08/2020, 19:04]
is there a way to filter the shows to only include current shows that just aired on a given day? It has gotten out of hand with these mass posts of older shows, and other content. there are literally 10 to 15 pages a day.

Don't get me wrong, i'm grateful for the hard work done on the site, but it's overwelming if you fall a few days behind you have to scroll thru 100+ pages for a weeks time.
[#505639] Written by: NovaKing (Administrator) [24/08/2020, 11:46]
@crash613: we have received your feedback and as such, as of today, there should not be any more of the older TV episodes (some of them may still slip in the listing, though you should clearly see a big improvement compared to last period of time).

Kindly do let us know of your feedback with the new changes.
[#505977] Written by: ezriderz [24/09/2020, 17:37]
It seems that in the past month or two, EZTV has slipped from an excellent source where I could keep my fav shows and see latest episodes when they are aired. I relied on it for years.

But now, it seems to have gotten sick with the Trump Virus or some such:
Several shows will not clear all episodes when I click on the button to clear entire show. I had to return to the show and individually click on each episode listed to make it clear. But now, I have The Daily Show cluttering my favorite unwatch episode listing with about 20 episodes, from days or weeks ago, that refuse to clear no matter what I do.
The sort order is no longer maintained, and shows are listed out of order; e.g.,Vice News appears above Barry and Bull, and before The Circus.
The Daily Show says 'ended' and the show aired last night. But the list of 'unwatched' episodes spans several months, and are all episodes I already watched and marked as watched.

I could go on, but you get my point. I love this site and hate to see it slipping into incompetence and unusefullness. Has the operation undergone some major staffing upheavals?

Please advise and tell me it ain't so and what I am seeing is only temporary and will be fixed soon.
[#505985] Written by: NovaKing (Administrator) [25/09/2020, 11:54]
@ezriderz: indeed this is only temporary and it will be fixed. thank you for sharing this feedback.
[#505986] Written by: NovaKing (Administrator) [25/09/2020, 12:34]
@ezriderz: will reply to your concerns one by one:

1. The problem with shows not being set as watched, may have been caused by the browser cache issue Firefox had lately. It seems it is working fine on their latest version (81.0). So you were not getting the updated page, but a cached version of it. If you still have issues though, please let us know.

2. Currently the "Daily Show" from your favorite page seems to display fine. Maybe same caching issue above.

3. Regarding sort issue: there were shown first the airing shows in alphabetical order, then the others. It is now reverted back to the old way, not to confuse users.

4. "Daily Show" status is "airing" right now. Will monitor this though. Also, please let us know if you see this kind of error on other shows too.

5. Unwatched episodes list looks just fine on your account. Please try to use Safari/Chrome or just hit the REFRESH button on Firefox.

Please let us know if you still have feedback on the issue and if you indeed use Firefox or some other browser.
[#505990] Written by: themseljr6 [26/09/2020, 00:05]
i recently downloaded all of Ted Lasso from MINX and i was skeptical of them being 720p, but having such a small file size. as
soon as i went to play one, it opened right up in the default media player for Windows 10 for me which is Movies & TV. the only
files that i would have to play sometimes in VLC or Media Player Classic are HEVC files in which i thought these would be, but
like i said, the Ted Lasso MINX files opened right up for me no problem and i was impressed with the quality for such a small file
[#505991] Written by: themseljr6 [26/09/2020, 00:08]
also the Daily Show airs every Monday to Thursday right now on Comedy Central. i know it takes a couple breaks here and
there, but for now, it's pretty much airing those 4 nights consistently.
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