Written by: donigalf [08/02/2010, 20:02]
what about a separate section for reality shows??
Written by: newnick [09/02/2010, 15:25]
Written by: temporarypass [27/04/2010, 21:27]
is there a way to organize the my page by show airdate? that way i can find all my shows that air on
a certain day of the week easier than just by title of the show. thanks! this site rocks!
Written by: fknawsm [07/05/2010, 17:22]
my suggestion is to update the forums with an actual help section. the problem is looking through
80+ pages of technical questions to find the answers of questions that have already been answered.
most people just tend to ask the same question that has been asked and answered, even just one page
ago. it would be helpful to have sections by relevance. eg.[windows/mac/linux], [u torrent/azureus],
maybe even extended the relevance factor some of the other sections like show requests. having 180
pages of requests there is bound to be the same show requested on multiple pages. site moderators
could then inform as to specific details about that show requested. eg [rejected due to latest poll
states that only 3 people in the world watched that show]
demonoid, (for example) seems to categorize to some degree in having their help in categories and
then sub-categories, but it isn't perfect and i think that the team here at eztv could do it a lot
Written by: CypherUK [25/05/2010, 01:31]
i think the forum needs to be tidied but other than that i generally just come here to download the shows
then i'm off again. if you want to revamp the design or do some recoding then by all means do it but i
wouldn't be at all disappointed if nothing changed at all.
Written by: Thathippychic1us [14/07/2016, 07:36]
I don't know how to start a new thread so sorry if I am being rude but I had to try three activation emails to even get
verified enough to comment and now I cannot find any Log Out on the eztv site. Help??
Written by: Thathippychic1us [14/07/2016, 07:37]
OH nm it's at the very bottom right hand but now I cannot find a Search for the Forums. Nor how to edit my previous
Written by: wathez [13/09/2017, 15:21]
I can't search the forum so I don't know if this was already requested before, but I would really
like a "hide this show" option on the home page, so I don't see shows in the list that I don't care
about, but I DO see new shows in the list.
The current method of adding shows to the myshow list means that I need to go through that list and
then also still go through the releases of the past 24 hours to see if I missed something.
Being able to put shows on an ignore list so they don't show up at all would greatly improve my site
That being said, I love this site!